North Star HR Solutions



Active HR Partnership

Recruitment and Retention

Our four “STAR” solutions include: Strategy, Tactics, Active HR Partnership, and Recruitment/Retention.  Our solutions are customer focused, innovative, comprehensive, easily implemented and well-timed.

Strategy – explore, navigate and strengthen your business with North Star HR Solutions.  We provide partnership solutions in Succession Planning, Culture Development, Organization Restructures, SWOT Facilitation, Leadership Coaching and Cultivating High Performance Teams. We are an authorized partner of Everything DiSC.  We use these assessment tools to provide coaching and development to Leaders, New Managers and Teams.  

Tactics – we build customized tools and create solution packages to meet your business needs including: Handbooks, Job Descriptions, Performance Reviews, Key Performance Indicators, HR Checklists, On-Boarding Tools and HR Analytics.

Active Partnership - spend less time with the “issues” and more time growing your business by working with an HR Partner on Employee Performance Management, Employee Communications, Change Management, Manager Training and Crisis Management.  

Recruitment and Retention - strengthen and grow your business through people with customized Recruitment Strategies, Talent Planning and Employee Engagement Solutions.  

We won't offer HR in a box.  We deliver results with impact.

Tell us what people challenges and opportunities you have and together we can create a solution that works for you.